
Walking in a state of doubt can be toxic

Fears favorite assailant, uncertainty

Chest pains as grotesque thoughts of failure tip toe across our feeble minds

Death just seems so much easier than life

Living in a state of uncertainty

Curiosity peeks as small visions confirm our light

Although darkness is truly all we desire

Stomach tied in knots as we process every single moment of what could be

That does not have to be

Giving life to ill situations with our thoughts

Uncertainty has so much room to grow

Living in a state of uncertainty

Surrendering myself to the plan of my creator

But the poison still flows

Testing faith

Breaking down and diminishing any solid foundation

Ignorance can be more powerful than omniscience

Because knowing is just so much better than uncertainty

Living in a state of uncertainty

I suppose

Rise up on pointe toes

To kiss a sky which is said to have no limit

I suppose

Touch concrete as back bends

Hands lend fellow hellos to the world just before we say

Good Bye

Greetings to the newness of the coolness

Denying all truthfullness of conformity

How can you seek to stand out if all you know is normalty

Blow purple like royalty I seek to destroy all common that resides in me

Can you keep a secrete?

I to dance in idiocracy to reach a state of diplomacy in hopes of ending the war between my heart and my mind

Can I create a peace treaty between what has been claimed and what is really mine?

But like shadows I show best in the light

Because to walk in darkness would only further diminish the little bit thats left of me that made this decision to live right

So as I rise up on tip toes I raise my nose to the high heavens

To kiss a sky which is said to have no limits

I supposeā€¦.